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Charles spent his childhood in Malawi. “It was a wonderful time. I recall vividly the freedom to explore, the bright colours in the markets, the birds and trees and the rich soil. Above all the diversity and warmth of the people. Carefree holidays by astonishing Lake Malawi with its unique Cichlids, and enjoying of course delicious Chambo fish. So it's maybe why I love to paint colour and enjoy fish!"


Having worked and travelled around the world he lives and paints now by the River Exe estuary in Devon.


"Malawi is struggling against the assaults of our age. Population growth, pollution, overfishing etc. have damaged greatly the lake’s eco-balance. Including, tragically, hardly any mature Chambo now.


Restoring sustainable fishing is crucial. Ripple Africa works very effectively to change regulations including minimum net grill sizes. Stocks are gradually recovering. More fish, more protein, healthier people and local economy. It is very direct, very practical. In short, a serious endeavour which needs further support.

There are two ways to donate. Secure a picture with a donation through the Art Shop or by donating directly to Ripple Africa by clicking here.


I hope you might be moved to support this as I am. All donations made in return for a picture, or direct donations, will go directly to Ripple for their work”. 


(There is a 25% uplift on donations by UK taxpayers through GiftAid.
They are also deductible against personal tax)

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New Perspectives Exhibition

8th - 13th April 2024

Fulham Rd, London SW3 6HY

All proceeds will go to support Ripple Africa’s amazing work
to restore fish stocks in Lake Malawi, the most bio-diverse lake
in the world.

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